
Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Doctor Who 2005 to 2011 Review

Growing up in the 80's I was subjected to many great tv show's like the Incredible Hulk and the A-Team but what really got my attention where older shows like Star Trek and Doctor Who. So when Star Trek came back I jumped on it like there was no tomorrow now if Doctor Who had of come back at the same time I may have jumped on it to but it did not. It waited till 2005 to make a proper come back no the 1996 movie does not count.  I did not jump on, I said no besides I was spoiled by an abundance of great American Sci/Fi.  That is now somthing I regret as now with a lack of American Sci/Fi being made for TV, I was forced to find somthing new enter Doctor Who.  So the following review which will contain SPOILERS Sweetie is about Doctor Who from 2005 to 2011 as i have spent the last 2 weeks watching them all and what i thought of each of the Doctors and his Companion's I am not going to talk about episodes mainly seasons as a whole enjoy.


In 2005 the BBC brought back Doctor Who with Chritopher Eccleston as the Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose his companion right when I heard that billie Piper was going to be in this the response was less then favorable as we all know singers do not make good actors most of the time.  So with that in mind I started watching and was surprised that she was actually good and this new Doctor Christopher had a kind of energy about him that suited the role.  Both Christopher and Billie together from the start there was chemistry there that let them work really well together. As for the season it was good but really came together at the end with the whole Bad Wolf thing they had been doing all season and the return and death of the Daleks which was good until they spoke still hurts my ears. And also the introduction of Captain Jack Harkness (played by John Barrowman) my new favourite character was just great(Torchwood Review coming Soon).   And the death of the Doctor which I remember all those years ago people where really annoyed at Christopher Eccleston which I think is a little unfair as it gives the season finale a good ending.  Season One of Doctor Who 2005 4 out 5 to many Daleks speaking at once.

Season two started with the introduction of a new Doctor David Tennant who people to this day think is the best Doctor (more on this later).  Season two was fun it reintroduced the Cybermen and brought back the Daleks but for me there was somthing missing, David Tennant and Billie Piper did not have the same chemistry as with Christopher Eccleston which i missed. The Season Ended with Billie Piper being trapped in a parallel Earth from which she could not return from which was as good as saying she was dead with out being dead and that she may come back. Season Two of Doctor Who 2005 4 out of 5 Cemistry between Billie and David not right.

Season three introduced use to two new companions Donna Noble and Freema Agyeman.  Freema Agyema as a companion was good she was not great as I got the feeling that she was not going to be around that long and they also played the Doctors missing Rose Tyler card to much. This was the season which reintroduced the Master and they did in such a way that it was epic as you really had to pay attention to the back ground to notice all the clues.  But what really saved this season was John Barrowman coming back the season needed him to breath some life into it. The Toclafane creepy but a great way to fight the Doctor with evolved Human's classic.  Ultimatly this Seasons end fell flat for me as i knew the Doctor would make it out Ok which is why I regret not jumping when it first came out.  Season three of Doctor Who 2005 5 out of 5 Well executed Season companion's included.

Season Four brought back Donna which for me and probably others out there was really annoying and also all I could hear when Catherine Tate spoke was "Am I bothered", this annoyed me as a actress or actor  playing a companion should be a bit unknown. We where also introduced to River Song (Alex Kingston) who is great and are my favorite episodes in this season.  This Season also saw all the companions come back to defeat the Daleks (yet again) and what I thought should have been Tennants last season as the Doctor.  This season felt abit to much like there should have been an end to the Doctor but what it did give us was three Doctors two Tennants and a Doctor Donna which was great and fun to watch.  By the end everything got tied up with a nice bow instead of the Doctor meeting his End all we got was a lot of crying and the Doctor travelling alone.  Season Four of Doctor Who 2005 4 out of 5 The Doctor should have died.

The Unknown Season or the Specials.  So instead of another season we where given several specials to watch these where good my favorite was Water of Mars which showed for the first time the Doctor going over the edge.  And then we have The End of Time part one and two they where good part one sees the Master come back but he's not quiet the same due to his ex-wife (ha) so he has to feed a lot which did not work for me.  And the Naismith's did not work either stand there look posh and pretend to not care there only there to explain the machine and what it does.  What I did like was the explanation of the drum beats the master heard was the heart beat of a timelord was truely genius.  Anyway Gallifray comes back the timelords all stand there and talk alot Timothy Daltons finest hour it is not. The Master and the Doctor share a moment and work together all a bit forced and not needed.  I forgot to mention Wilfred Mott Donna Nobles granddad was good in this but the scene where he's trying to give the doctor a gun again a bit forced.  And they also took the time to tie up Donnas story but what was the point he puts in a safe gaurd but warns them in the last season to never let her remember really pointless.  Anyway the Doctor died but not before helping all of his companions alot of crying, And then regenerats in the TARDIS destroying most of it in the process.
Doctor Who Specials 3 out of 5 I feel asleep watching some of them.

Season five and a new Doctor Matt Smith new companions Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams). Rory spoiling the Doctors fun about being bigger on the inside classic. This season for me is great as I like Matt Smiths Doctor he's fun to watch and has some really great line's but he has a way of acting that yes he's fun but if you look at his eye's you get a sense that he's really old which is what is need ed to play the Doctor. The Daleks returned with a new design thank god they did not over use them.  The whole crack in space and time was really good with a crack in every episode and Amy coming on to the Doctor was great also River Song coming back ( Hello Sweetie) was a welcome return.  The Season ended great with the doctor trying to save the universe by causing a big bang although knowing there was another season spoiled it that the doctor was coming back.  We did not get all the answers as to why the TARDIS was exploding but thats still to come.
Season Five of Doctor Who 2005 5 out of 5 Matt Smith great Doctor.

Season Six started of with a Christmas special which was a delight to watch very funny and serious at the same time best line from this special was " Come on where boys and do you know what boys say to Danger" " No what" " Mommy" I laughted so hard it was great.  The proper start to the season with the death of the Doctor was cool unexpected but cool.  This season really came together in the end as stand alone episodes where not stand alone but clues to what going to happen.  Amy Pond being Flesh unexpected, River Song being Melody Pond unexpected River in the suit expected the Doctor serviving expected the Doctor always wins. The ending was cool and left me wanting more but it also gave a clue that Matt Smith may not be the Doctor for much longer as it was said "The Fall of the 11th" matt Smith being the 11th Doctor still no reason why the TARDIS was blowing up from the last season anyway more to come soon.  Season Six of Doctor Who 2005 5 out 5 Great writing.

This is my review there is alot of Doctor Who to talk about and i am sure I forgot somthings sound off in the comments tell me what you think.


  1. Excellent stuff and a mammoth task reviewing all those. I grew up on Pertwee and Baker as the Doctor and just stopped watching after the 4th Character regenerated. Like many old fans my interest renewed with the new reincarnations, I loved Christopher Eccleston and was shocked when David Tennant improved the role.

    To be honest, I'm not mad about Matt Smith, maybe with Russell Davies not longer writing or the budgets being cut, its more than just the actors fault. That being said there were some great episodes with him like "The Girl Who Waited". etc..

  2. Cool review!! Well written and summed up six years very well while giving plenty of facts to chew on. Thanks..
