A many year's ago a company called Bioware released a great game called Knights of the Old Republic a Star Wars game that was better then the movies( I am not a Star Wars Fan) I was hooked. Then along came years later Mass Effect and that was the end of my social life Mass Effect is a great game but thats not why i am here today for today is the day i tell you about Dragon Age another game by Bioware thats not all about space, aliens and lasers no this is swords, magic and Dragons.
If you have not played Dragon Age 1 or 2 whats wrong with you, SPOILERS ahead you have been warned.
In Dragon Age: Origins you take on the role of a Grey Warden these men and women dwarfs and elves are the only ones able to stop the blight as only they can kill the arch demon as your told. The game starts in different places depending on what you have chosen to play as also what you choose to play as determines how you are treated by the NPC's ( None Playable Characters) in the game which is great. You become a grey warden and you start off by recruiting your team, what I really like is that you have to put a lot of time into talking to your team and be careful how you talk to them as they do react to certain dialogue options in a positive way or negative way also you can give them gifts and giving the right gift to the right person is paramount to getting them to respect or even love you that's right love you, you can enter a relationship with most of the characters but once you have chosen whom you want that's it you also may have to turn down advances from other team members. The side missions are what makes this game great there is so much to do and so much stuff to collect you really have to micro manage which I love doing kitting out my team in all the best gear it's fun. Combat is not great i tended to set up my team but found that just hitting the A button ( I played these on Xbox) a lot to deal damage it worked for me, word of warning the mage is very weak and dies a lot. Other then that once your in your hooked.
In Dragon Age 2 they created a new character called Hawke you play as him or her and thats it you can't be a dwarf or an elve you just human which is a bit disappointing you can pick to play as warrior rogue and mage as in Dragon Age 1 but your not a grey warden. The game itself is flawed it's meant to take place over 10 years yet character does not age also compared to Dragon Age 1 the world map is tiny. How to build relationships is nearly the same but made simpler as you pick up a gift your told who it is for so you can't get it wrong also the micro managing is also made smaller as you only have yourself to kit out you find extra pieces of armor for your team but it does not change how they look which for me sucked. The combat is the same as Dragon Age 1 so no change there. My biggest problem is the redesign of some of the races it does not fit with Dragon Age 1. It is a good game it tells a great story it just needs to be bigger and stop holding are hands so much.
In closing there is a third game being made i will play it i want it to be huge and contain the two characters i created ( the Grey Warden and Hawke) for Dragon Age 1 (4 out of 5 small problems) Dragon Age 2 (3 out 5 Major problems to small).
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